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You've got questions? We can help! Below are several help topics that should assist you in the navigation of this site. If there is anything we missed or that you do not understand, please e-mail us at help [at]

What is
How do I register?
What is SSL?
Do I need to register?
Why do I need to register?
I can't find what I'm looking for!
How much does it cost?
How long will my ad be up?
Do you sell pets over the Internet?
I forgot my password. What should I do?

Listing Policies
Link Policy

Buyer Guide
Seller Guide


What is is a pet classifieds internet site designed to make finding your pet simple! Our site is unique in that we directly connect buyers and sellers throughout the United States using pet classifieds, without the need of a middleman. You can find exactly what you are looking for, without the disappointment and frustration of searching newspaper pet classified ads week after week to no avail. Wouldn't you rather see a photograph of the pet you are interested in? Black and white lines just don't give you the complete picture. is your one-stop source for pet classifieds. Anyone can utilize our easy-to-use site, from a highly renowned breeder to a family selling a litter of kittens. You can browse our numerous pet classified ads or use our many search features to find exactly what you are looking for. If you are planning on selling a pet, simply register and then create your pet classifieds ad. It will be displayed instantly! All pet classified ads are free during our grand opening! And don't forget our want ads for those who have lost a pet or simply cannot find what they are looking for. So what are you waiting for, go find yourself a pet!


How do I register?
Are you planning on placing a pet classifieds ad? If so, simply click on the register with button . And remember registering with is quick and absolutely free! If you are just browsing and searching, does not require that you register. Rest assured that will not sell any of your personally identifiable information, but may use it for demographic purposes to make Petsell a better place!


What is SSL?
Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that's transferred over the SSL connection. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, and many websites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. By convention, Web pages that require an SSL connection start with https, instead of http.


Do I need to register?
Are you planning on placing a wanted ad or a for sale ad? If so, then you will need to register before you can create your own ads on Click here to register with!


Why do I need to register?
If you are placing a wanted ad or a for sale ad on, you must register. Registering makes a safe and more trust-based community. By registering, your e-mail address will be included in the ads you place. That allows people to contact you if they are interested in your pet!


I can't find what I am looking for!
Didn't find what you were looking for? Don't worry, you can place a wanted ad. And don't forget to check back daily to search new ads.


How much does it cost?
Nothing! Placing a classified ad on is free during our development. Registering with is always free!


How long will my ad be up?
All classified ads will be up for one month during our developmental stages. More choices and packages will be available in the future, including the ability to edit your ads once they've been placed!


Do you sell pets over the Internet?
No! We do not sell pets over the Internet. is strongly against the sale of pets over the Internet. We have found a better way to connect animal buyers and sellers over the Internet with the use of classified ads. We do not auction or sell any pets on our site. We simply provide advertising space for those who wish to buy or sell a pet.


I forgot my password. What should I do?
No problem! Just type in your I.D. and your e-mail address, and Petsell will quickly send you an e-mail with your password. Click here to get your password e-mailed to you.


Listing Policies
When creating a classified ad for display on, please use good taste and proper judgement. Petsell offers some suggestions to help, but you are ultimately responsible for making sure that buying selling your item(s) is allowed on Petsell and is not prohibited by law. The ads are intended to be for pets/animals, and pets/animals only. There will be no pet products or accessories at this time. Any ad with illegal items, objectionable material, spamming, or any other questionable material will not be accepted. The ads will not contain any inappropriate text, adult material, commercial advertisements, and anything else that may go against our terms of use. If you are unsure of a item you wish to put on, please e-mail us at We are not responsible for any claims or actions found in the classified ads. If you find something that you see as objectionable or questionable, please feel free to e-mail us at Even if you offer to give away for "free" (rather than sell) a prohibited, questionable, or infringing item, this will not relieve you of potential liability. This applies to both seller and buyer. Petsell will decide what is appropriate. There is no promise that your ad will be displayed.

The following is a list of prohibited content that will not be accepted on It includes content that: Is patently offensive to the online community, such as content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual; Is or could be harmful to minors; Harasses or advocates harassment of another person; Involves the transmission of "junk mail", "chain letters", or unsolicited mass mailing or "spamming"; Promotes information that you know is false, misleading, or promotes illegal activities or conduct, is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or libelous; Is or promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person's work, such as providing pirated computer programs or links to them, provides information to circumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices; providing pirated content or links to pirated content files; Contains restricted or password only access pages, or hidden pages or images(those not linked to or from another accessible page)Displays pornographic material of any kind; violating someone's privacy; providing or creating computer viruses; Solicits passwords, personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users; engages in commercial activities and/or sales without's prior written consent. This is not a complete list, but rather a guide to help you see what is appropriate here at Petsell.


Link Policy
Users may place a simple link to another web page in the description portion of their listing to help provide more information about the listed item. However, the following links are not permitted: links to other listing sites, links to sites offering the same service, and links to sites offering items prohibited by law.

Buyer Guide

When contacting a potential seller, always use caution. Make sure you understand the conditions and the nature of the agreement. There have been scams and fraud in the past, so make sure you arrange an agreement that protects you from any possible loss. Also, please base your decision on the well being and general quality of life of the pet for sale. Be responsible!


Search Tips
There are many different ways to find what you are looking for at You have the option of either clicking on one of the animal categories, using the standard search, and using the advanced search. If you are simply browsing, choosing an animal category can help. The standard search is helpful for those looking for something more specific. And don't forget to use the advanced search to break down your hunt into areas such as breed, location, and price.

Seller Guide

When contacting a potential buyer, always use caution. Make sure you understand the conditions and the nature of the agreement. Please base your decision on the well being and general quality of life of the pet for sale. Be responsible!


How to Register
Are you planning on placing a classified ad? If so, simply click on the register with button. And remember registering with is absolutely free! If you are just browsing and searching, does not require that you register. Want to know about your privacy before registering? Rest assured that will not sell any of your personally identifiable information.


How to Place an Ad
After you register, you simply click on place an ad to get started. Decide whether you want to place a wanted ad or a for sale ad. Then fill out the easy-to-use form, send, and your ad is activated instantly!

Make your listing look professional. Use a short, descriptive title to catch the buyers' eye. Give the buyer a complete description, including a linked picture to dress up your ad. Make sure you include all the important information, and always be accurate and truthful in your listing. Your ad will be up for two weeks from the date posted.


How to Include a Picture in your Ad
To include a picture, you must use an uploaded image. An uploaded image must have a URL, or web address that points to it. An image can be uploaded with an ftp program. AOL members can simply click on the internet icon, and then ftp. Once you've uploaded your image file to a place on the Web, you need to know the file's Web address, also known as a URL (Universal Resource Locator). Simply enter the address in the space provided while creating your ad. If the image you want to use is already on a website, simply right-click the picture and click on properties. Then copy the URL and paste it into the image box provided on our site when you are creating your ad. Please note that images found ONLY on your computer will not work properly.


Users may place a simple link to another web page in the description portion of their listing to help provide more information about the listed item. However, the following links are not permitted: links to other listing sites, links to sites offering the same service, and links to sites offering items prohibited by law.

Because is a virtual meeting point for potential buyers and sellers of pets online, it can be victim to scams and other fraudulent activites. Although we can't tell you about every fraud out there, we can give you some general tips in relation to our site. We are aware of a number of out-of-the-country scams (usually in Africa, Asia, or Eastern Europe) involving forms of payment such as cashier's checks, money orders, and the like. These buyers/sellers will often tip themselves off by using broken/poor English or odd terms that give away their foreign nationality. Although these scammers may seem more obvious from abroad, these scams can take place in the United States as well, so always take the time to review the buyer/seller before taking part in any transaction. Also be wary of buyers/sellers that are highly anxious to participate in a sale, and take your time and do your research before participating in the transaction. It is very easy to get ripped off online, and many people who believe they have covered all their bases become victims. All that said, we highly recommend conducting business solely in the United States. Please also note that serves simply as a venue for potential buyers and sellers, and as such, is not responsible for the actions of its' users.


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Beware of scammers! Find the right pet health insurance plan for your pet. There are a variety of different pet insurance services and plans out there. Make sure a pet insurance plan is the right fit for your pet. Compare pet insurance plans and look at what they offer to see if pet insurance is right for your pet. Remember most pet insurance plans don't cover hereditary diseases and pre-existing conditions.

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